What We Do

Today, 63% of companies can’t gather insights from big data. A360 helps you unlock the full potential of your data and more.


Whether you are building your first data lakehouse or have an extensive data footprint, there is always more you can do with your data. Our advisory team analyzes your current data infrastructure, uncovers opportunities, and lays them out on a prioritized roadmap for you.

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Our advisory team conducts an in-depth analysis of your existing data infrastructure, identifying strengths and pinpointing areas for improvement to optimize your data management strategy.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our recommendations to your unique business needs, ensuring that each proposed initiative aligns with your goals and maximizes the value derived from your data.
  • Actionable Roadmap: We provide a clear, prioritized roadmap that outlines actionable steps and milestones, guiding you through the implementation process to achieve your data-driven objectives efficiently and effectively.

Data Engineering

How do you bring data into and out of your lakehouse? What pipelines do you have to clean, connect, and aggregate your data to serve your business needs? Our data engineering team helps you with:

  • Architecting data flows across your technology stack
  • Ingesting streaming and batch data
  • Processing unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data
  • Data enrichment through data providers
  • Data wrangling to up your data quality
  • Prepare your data for BI and activation
  • Share your data with different departments as well as external partners

How we build integrations and data pipelines:

  • ETL tools such as Fivetran and Matillion
  • Microservices platforms such as Mulesoft
  • Cloud-hosted Python development
  • SQL queries and stored procedures

Data Modeling

Done right, your data should represent your business. There should be an unambiguous way to analyze, forecast and act on your data. We accomplish this through a canonical data model. A true representation of your business, the canonical data model can ingest information from various sources in various formats and normalize them to prepare for consumption.

Data Science

Boost your business with predictive analytics that can see more than what meets the eye. Our data scientists work with a variety of machine learning libraries and off-the-shelf solutions to solve for:

  • Lead scoring
  • Opportunity scoring
  • LTV forecasting
  • Churn prediction
  • Propensity scoring
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Segment generation
  • Send-time optimization
  • Affinity matching
  • Automated Offers
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Segment generation
  • Send-time optimization
  • Affinity matching
  • Automated Offers
  • Recommendations
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Demand forecasting
  • Next best action

Give your team the ability to rethink their business processes with artificial intelligence. Leverage public, private, or off-the-shelf LLMs to build next-gen solutions such as: 

Customer Experience
  • Chatbots
  • 1:1 and bulk customer messaging
  • Call transcriptions and summaries
  • Customer insights
  • Document analysis for text, audio, image, and video


Convert data into insights that can be used for critical business decisions. Our analytics specialists can help you with:

  • Identifying KPIs and translating them into datasets
  • Developing dashboards that adhere to visual best practices
  • Ensuring performance through data preparation

Data Apps

Give power to your power users. Build apps on top of your data so different departments can benefit from non-siloed data across the business. Imagine a world where:

  • Sales and marketing agree on marketing-driven revenue
  • Product and supply chain teams can rely on customer demand data
  • Customer service and HR know when to augment the support team


A360 partners with industry-leading technology platforms to provide bleeding-edge data & analytics solutions to our clients.

Data Platforms

ETL Platforms


Snowflow - Innovation powered by Snowflake

Driven by customer demand, A360 has developed a proprietary solution - Snowflow - that allows you to easily manage your Snowflake data through a user-friendly interface that greatly simplifies your data operations:

  • Group your data into layers
  • Develop an easy-to-understand data dictionary that allows you to analyze impact before making any changes to your data model
  • Define and manage relationships between layers, tables, and columns
  • Automate data pipelines without writing a line of code.

A360 was the first company to ever provide us a visual of our data architecture and made it so easy for us to understand it.

See how data can empower the insurance industry with commission analytics.

Ready to unlock your Data’s potential with AI & Analytics?

Ready to unlock your Data?

Ready to unlock your data’s potential with AI and analytics?

It's Time to Rise.